Write a Vb.net program to accept number from user into the TextBox. Calculate the square root of that number also convert the entered number into binary number and display result into the Message Box
Public Class slip8
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim n, remainder, sq As Integer
Dim sum As String
n = CInt(TextBox1.Text)
sq = Math.Sqrt(n)
sum = ""
While (n > 0)
remainder = n Mod 2
sum = CStr(remainder) + sum
n = n \ 2
End While
MsgBox("Square root: " + CStr(sq) + " Conversion of Binary number: " + CStr(sum))
End Sub
End Class
1) Take TextBox, Labels, Button on the design form.
2) Set Text on Button and Label.
Note - Set startup form's application type as Windows Form Application
Math.sqrt() - this function is used to calculate square root of numbers.
Cstr() - it is used to convert into string.
Cint() - it is used to convert into an integer type.